News: The owner of this website, Rufus William "Rudy" Caldwell, passed away on January 18, 2023. This website and his genealogical research were a great source of pride and joy and he greatly valued the contacts he made with it. His work will be continued and all correspondence through this website will be responded to by his family. Thank you and God bless you all.
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  Richard Ottis and Zilpah Hutchison Caldwell
Wedding Picture - Dec. 23, 1902

Main Feature

This is a history of the descendants of Robert Caldwell from County Antrim in Northern Ireland.  Robert and his wife with nine children left the seaport town of Larne Ireland aboard the ship Pennsylvania Farmer in the fall of 1772 and arrived in Charles Town South Carolina in December 1772. The research on this family was started many years ago by my father, Albert Percy Caldwell, and my uncle, Rufus Dixon Caldwell. Their years of hard work, combined with the assistance of many of the descendants of Robert Caldwell, provided me with a tremendous volume of data to use in continuing a project they started over thirty years ago. Since 2001, I have attempted to update much of their information plus add my own research on the descendants of Robert Caldwell.

This information is a compilation of data from sources including family Bibles, census records, cemetery records, courthouse records, library records, family tree data found on the internet, and most importantly, information from many, many related family members. One of my greatest pleasures has been the ability to furnish information on the Caldwell family to others. This web site is simply my way of sharing the information that I have put together with other family members.

Although this material has been checked and rechecked, mistakes will surely be found. The information, of course, is not complete and has not been 100 % verified. It will contain some erroneous data. I apologize for these errors and omissions but it is impossible to compile all of the data on any particular family and do it accurately and 100 percent complete. This data is intended for the personal use of the reader and under no circumstances should this site be quoted as a source document for other research work. If anyone finds a mistake or has additional information to contribute, please contact me .

The descendants of Robert Caldwell have contributed much to the history and development of South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Misississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Illinois and many other states. We can look with pride on the accomplishments of this large and widely scattered family and hope that our generation will leave a record as honorable as that of past generations.

It was the desire of Albert Percy Caldwell and Rufus Dixon Caldwell that this information not only bring pleasure to the reader but challenge some other descendant to write a better and more complete history of the family because there is so much more that can be learned by anyone willing to accept the challenge. I have attempted to update and expand a project they started years ago and my efforts pale in comparison to what they accomplished in the days before home computers, the internet, and the genealogy research tools available to us today.

Rufus William Caldwell, Sr.

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site,  please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you and will certainly welcome any corrections, changes, and / or new information.

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